
Current RITE Report

Below is the most recent RITE Report along with a summary provided for your convenience. The report will be replaced with an updated version the first week of every month.

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Executive Summary as of Februay 10, 2024


The RITE Report Index has plunged to 51.4% since the beginning of the year. But it has finally reversed itself and it now stands at 58.6%. Additionally, the number of important RITE Report economic indicators that are positive has increased and is now up to 21 of 28. As for inflation, the Fed has stopped printing money so in a few months inflation will be back to its normal rate of about 2%. In the interim, we recommend:


The RITE Report says:

Go Long


Inflation comments: 

The RITE Report Inflation Index indicates that the danger of inflation is still present but subsiding. The Fed has stopped printing money. The CRB Index has leveled off and is off its springtime highs. The RITE Report imputes the real inflation rate to be receding:

The RITE Report Inflation Index :
2.6%(M2) – 2.6%(GDP) – (-0.5%(Productivity)) = 0.5%(RITE Report Inflation Index)

Further, as the St. Louis Fed’s Manufacturing Index (INDPRO) is showing year over year growth, this indicates that inflation will recede in the near future as the economy soaks up this excess money supply, and so, in the coming months inflation should abate.


The RITE Report Inflation Index which has formula: Year over Year M2 money supply % increase minus GDP minus Productivity = 
The Index

If clients would like to discuss the above, contact The RITE Report when convenient.

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